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Dental Implants

How Effective Are Dental Implants?
Dental Implants

How Effective Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a tooth replacement option that involves placing artificial tooth roots into a patient’s jaw and attaching replacement teeth to this base. Though dental implants are not as

Dental Implant Platform

Guide to Full-Arch Restoration Dental Implants

Losing teeth over time is completely normal. After all, they undergo extensive wear and tear every day. But although the situation is common, many people who have lost full sets

Missing Teeth
Dental Implants

Options for Replacing a Lost Tooth

If you have lost a tooth, the worst option is to do nothing. Your teeth do more than give your mouth an attractive appearance — they’re also important to your

How to Tell If You Need Dental Implants
Dental Implants

How to Tell If You Need Dental Implants

Losing teeth can be a very disheartening experience. No one wants it to happen, but it’s more common than you may realize. Despite preventive measures like brushing, flossing and regular

Dental Implant Platform

The Importance of a Proper-Fitting Implant Abutment

The implant abutment is an essential component in the entire implant system. It’s the connector that joins the implant to the replacement tooth or crown. When dental clinicians place a

Smiling Girl
Dental Implants

Diabetes and Dental Implants

It’s a common concern for people with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes to contemplate whether dental implants will have a positive or negative impact on their health. While the

smiling women in headphones
Dental Implants

Not All Dental Implants Are the Same

Superior quality is a characteristic that should be present in any product. When you shop for cars, refrigerators or other items that impact your daily life, you take the time

mature couple smiling
Dental Implants

Alternatives to Dentures

In our grandparents’ day, there was only one solution to tooth loss — dentures. This was especially true for those with edentulism or the complete loss of both top and

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