Hiossen® Implant

What to Know About Ridge Preservation for Dental Implants

When you need to have your tooth removed, whether due to injury, decay or gum disease, it’s advisable to do so in a way that preserves the surrounding bone structure. When a tooth is extracted, bone degeneration begins to occur almost immediately. The remaining bone shrinks very quickly in the beginning. Then, it slowly continues to deteriorate as the months go by. The shrinkage is natural, but it does eventually increase the chances of implant failure.

There are many options to prevent bone degeneration after tooth removal, and it’s essential to consider them before having any of your teeth removed. The best way to preserve the socket is to perform such procedures quickly once the tooth is gone.

Ridge augmentation or preservation is a procedure in which a bone graft is placed at the ridge of the bone to minimize and prevent shrinkage. The process is quick and painless and helps prevent the need for bone grafting in the future. However, the best way to avoid the slow shrinking that occurs over time is to use dental implants.

Is Socket Preservation Necessary?

Your teeth are anchored to a particular bone called the alveolar bone. Its main job is to hold your tooth firmly in place. When the tooth is extracted, the body starts absorbing the alveolar bone because it’s no longer needed. The shrinkage of the alveolar bone occurs in two ways.

First, there is a horizontal shrinkage that takes place as a result of the collapse of the bone. This degeneration leaves the remaining ridge much narrower than it used to be. Second, there’s vertical shrinkage, which leaves the bone with less length. The process of shrinkage and degeneration occurs much more quickly if you use dentures.

Ridge Preservation After Tooth Extraction

There are many ways to preserve the ridge during and after tooth removal. However, not all these options are ideal, as some can cause further damage to the bone. At Hiossen® Implant, we use the gentlest solutions to extract teeth and preserve as much bone as possible. After extraction, we add bone graft material to the socket where the tooth was removed to prevent it from collapsing.

This means that after the tooth is extracted, your socket will be filled with bone graft and then concealed with a barrier to minimize the chance of collapse. The bone graft will support and preserve the tissue until it can be replaced with new alveolar bone. Post-operative recovery after ridge augmentation or preservation is the same as regular tooth extraction without ridge preservation.

Although the bone graft placed into the socket of the tooth will preserve the bone and prevent the entire socket from collapsing, it will not last forever. Getting dental implants four to six months after ridge preservation is the best way to preserve your jawbone in the long term while restoring aesthetics and functionality.

Dental Implant Surgery

In some cases, it’s possible to receive dental implants once your tooth is extracted. We call this immediate dental implant placement. If you want to have your tooth extracted and a dental implant placed immediately, please contact us to discuss your options. Hiossen® Implant is committed to using the latest techniques and technology to give our patients smiles that last a lifetime, so reach out today and see what we can do for you.