Hiossen hopes everybody has been safe and well during these difficult times. While promoting social distancing and working from home, we were thinking of ways we can interact with and help you doctors in some way.
During this process, we concluded that one of the best things we can do is help you learn from home. We teamed up with our parent company Osstem Implant to create educational videos about various topics in implant surgery procedures.
Our partner AIC is also having online lectures so be sure to check it out as well!
You can watch the educational videos by clicking the links down below:
Graft Material Selection for Implant Treatment
Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/2idl4KnP4wk
Denall Link: http://www.denall.com/vod/play?id=189
[Surgery] Implant Placement in Posterior Mandible by using CAS Kit
Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/TZdLlt5yj7Y
Denall Link: http://www.denall.com/vod/play?id=138
Digital Implantology: The Current State of the Art in Implant Dentistry
Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/lbTzTzPZxk8
Denall Link: http://www.denall.com/vod/play?id=430
Controversial Issues of Crestal Approach
Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/g7d4xT2F5iQ
Denall Link: http://www.denall.com/vod/play?id=188
We hope these videos were informative and helpful. Thank you!