Hiossen® Implant

Benefits of Single-Tooth Dental Implants

Dental implants are often the best option for people with missing teeth who want a natural-looking tooth replacement. Implants are designed to act and look just like natural teeth, which makes them ideal for maintaining aesthetics.

The decision to replace a missing tooth offers numerous health benefits, in addition to the cosmetic advantages. In this post, we’ll review the benefits of single-tooth dental implants and some of the features that make this tooth-replacement a great option.

Why Replace a Lost Tooth?

Besides helping us chew and speak, teeth work to stimulate the jawbone. Once a tooth is lost, it is highly likely that the jaw will become weakened. This weakening of the jaw can lead to complications ranging from facial deformity to gum disease. Even if you don’t personally need teeth for chewing, you should consider replacing any missing teeth for the sake of your jawbone’s overall integrity.

A lost tooth can be replaced in different ways. Dental implants are among the most successful methods of tooth replacement.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a long-term solution designed to treat tooth loss. The implant features a titanium rod which is fitted to the jaw in the gap left by the lost tooth. The rod is attached to the jaw using an anchoring device. Over time, the jaw and the rod bind. Once this happens, an artificial crown is placed over the titanium rod.

The single-tooth dental implant procedure is quite straightforward. If no other procedure is required, the rod placement can be done within 20 minutes or less. The rod is then given time to attach to the jaw as the mouth heals. The duration between fixing the rod and placing the crown varies from one person to another. That said, with proper care, the jaw should heal in about two weeks.

Single-tooth implants offer a number of advantages. Notably, these implants:

  • Do not compromise the integrity of neighboring teeth since they act just like their natural counterparts.
  • Preserve the underlying bone where the tooth is fixed. This is because the implants also replace the tooth’s root and are integrated into the jawbone. As such, they’re effective in ensuring the structure of the jawbone is maintained. This is one of the primary advantages of a single-tooth dental implant over bridges.
  • Are easier to clean when compared to bridges.
  • Present a natural look. It’s difficult to tell between a natural tooth and an implant.

How Single-Tooth Dental Implants Work

These implants are placed directly on the jaw. The implant that looks like a screw is then covered using a temporary tooth. Once the implant has bonded with the jawbone, the artificial tooth is fixed above the implant. The implant works as a base where the crown is placed. Before the rod is placed, a thorough dental checkup is performed to confirm the patient is not suffering from any other mouth conditions.

If you’re interested in learning more about single-tooth dental implants, contact Hiossen Implants today.