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Guide to Full-Arch Restoration Dental Implants

Losing teeth over time is completely normal. After all, they undergo extensive wear and tear every day. But although the situation is common, many people who have lost full sets of teeth feel embarrassed about their smile or feel uncomfortable speaking or eating their favorite foods. If you’d like to regain a complete smile after losing all your upper or lower teeth, an option called Full-Arch Restoration dental implants is available. Hundreds of thousands of people like you have recovered full mouth functionality with an Full-Arch Restoration implant solution.

We’ve put together this guide of frequently asked questions about the treatment to help you decide whether Full-Arch Restoration dental implants are the right choice for you.

What Are Full-Arch Restoration Dental Implants?

Full-Arch Restoration dental implants are a full set of implants designed to replace your entire upper or lower set of teeth. They act as a more permanent and natural-looking alternative to dentures.

Traditionally, each dental implant has one small titanium screw that a surgeon inserts into the gums. Then, the dentist places a single false tooth to the screw. With an Full-Arch Restoration implant, you don’t need to replace each lost tooth individually. Instead, a dental professional will surgically insert four titanium posts into your jawbone as the main anchors. They can then attach a permanent denture at those four areas for a seamless look across your entire mouth.

The prosthesis will stay in your mouth permanently and look just as natural as your surrounding real teeth.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Full-Arch Restoration Implants?

Many people gain renewed confidence in their appearance with Full-Arch Restoration implant surgery. The implants offer several benefits that allow patients to enjoy the smile of a lifetime, including:

  • You can replace your entire set of missing teeth in just one day with only one surgery.
  • The implants permanently secure to your mouth, so they won’t loosen or shift like dentures.
  • The procedure restores your entire set of teeth with only four implants.
  • Full-Arch Restoration implants cost less than replacing each tooth individually.
  • You won’t typically need any bone grafting.

Full-Arch Restoration implants are a fantastic option for people of all ages who have lost their full set of teeth, and most patients are fully satisfied with their results. However, you and your dentist should go over every aspect of the procedure to make sure these implants are the ideal option for you. The following are some potential drawbacks you should consider before choosing Full-Arch Restoration implants:

  • You’ll need to have a high level of bone available to hold the implants in place.
  • You won’t be able to test how the teeth feel or look before your procedure.
  • The implants cannot be placed in the mouth’s molar area, where you have the greatest bite force.

How Long Do Full-Arch Restoration Implants Last?

Full-Arch Restoration dental implants are meant to be a permanent dental solution. Your implants can last 20 years or more with proper care. The long-term implant-related success rate after 10 years is more than 94 percent, according to some scientific studies.

What Is the Recovery Time for Full-Arch Restoration Implants?

Recovery time for traditional implants typically ranges from three to eight months, but with Full-Arch Restoration implants, you’ll likely recover much sooner. An Full-Arch Restoration system can fuse to your bone more easily than individual implants, which promotes better stability.

How Do I Clean Full-Arch Restoration Dental Implants?

After your implant surgery, you can clean the site by gently rinsing your mouth with salt water. Then, you can treat your dental implants just like you would your natural teeth. Brush and floss every day, and continue to get regular cleanings from your dentist. Before your procedure, your dental team will go over more specific oral hygiene instructions that best meet your health needs.

How Much Does the Full-Arch Restoration Dental Implant Cost?

The cost of your implants depends on several factors, including the material you choose, the number of teeth you need and whether you have dental coverage. Before your procedure, you should see if you can receive any insurance or discounts.

You can typically choose either the implant’s standard acrylic material or long-lasting porcelain. The average prices for each are as follows:

  • Acrylic or composite: Around $20,000 to $30,000
  • Porcelain: Around $25,000 to $35,000

Learn More About Full-Arch Restoration Implants

If you’re considering getting dental implants, one of the most important things you can do is to find a dental professional who uses products with an outstanding reputation. Your implants should be made with the highest quality materials to uphold strict safety standards while remaining cost-effective. You’ll find this blend of expertise and affordability with Hiossen® Implant.

We’re here to help you decide which type of implant system is best for you and provide you with a smile you’ll love. Contact us to learn more about Full-Arch Restoration implants, or locate a representative to find safe, effective dental solutions near you.

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