IntraOral Sensor
Intraoral sensor
The most convenient intraoral sensor for implant identification with easier operation and quick image acquisition.

16Bit Clear Image
- Capture clear images for easy implant identification
- Custom abutments improve the support and fit of crowns, reducing the incidence of food impaction.
Optimal Patient Comfort

Stable Connection with a Signal Amplifier
- Ensures that images are saved without failure
- Custom abutments improve the support and fit of crowns, reducing the incidence of food impaction.
Quick Image Acquisition
- Cases where the implant insertion angle is not ideal. The maximum correction for this issue is 30 degrees.
- Cases where gingiva is irregular or deep enough to reveal the abutment.
- Implants for upper front teeth often require a custom abutment, as the gum is thin around that area and the titanium can show through.

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